Start a gratitude journal

Why is gratitude important to mental fitness?

Spend five minutes thinking about the day. Ask, what are you grateful for?

It doesn’t need to be “big stuff”, in fact, learning to appreciate the little things is really important when practicing gratitude. For example, you might feel grateful for the warmth of your coat on a frosty morning, or a home-cooked meal.

Why not record your thoughts in a gratitude journal? As a challenge, try to do this once a day for the next week. Each day, try to think of different things that you are grateful for to help keep your gratitude practice fresh. Then, at the end of the week, read back through your journal and reflect on all the things you have to be thankful for.

To build on this practice, set yourself a reminder to view your list again in a week’s time to remind yourself of what you have in your life. Getting into this habit every week or so is a great way to have perspective on your life.


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