The Miracle Morning Routine

In the latest episode of ‘Life Happens’, our mental fitness podcast available to view on YouTube here, we asked Rupal Patel what she does in her everyday life to help her mindset or improve her mood.

A former CIA Intelligence Officer who has briefed US Presidents on war zone strategy, Rupal is a remarkable lady and a high-achiever but she still has a routine that ensures she stays mentally fit. 

She hailed The Miracle Morning, a book by Hal Elrod that helps you set the tone for the day.

Hal’s handy acronym for getting your day off to the best possible start is: SAVERS:

S - Silence - To listen to nothing, to soak up quiet and be still.

A- Affirmations about yourself and what you are and what is important for you.

V - Visualisation - Make a picture in your mind of where you are going and what you want to achieve, both short term and long term goals. 

E - Exercise regularly in whatever way works for you, but keep moving.

R- Read - Reading is good for the mind’s intellect but also good for focus and concentration and relaxation.

S - Scribing - Get a pen or a keyboard and write or journal your experiences, thoughts and feelings. It’s a great way to see what’s really happening in your mind and also land on some insight. 

‘Life Happens’ is also available to listen and download on podcast platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


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