CLEAR your worries up

animated woman meditating to reduce her anxiety

Catch yourself worrying

Practice noticing when you are worrying.

Label the worry

“I’m worrying about X” - write it down in a worry notebook.

Examine if you can do something about the worry

  1. Is this a problem that can be solved?

  2. Is there any action I can take right now?

  3. Is there something I can do that is helpful in the long run?

Act on the worry

If the answer to all or any of the 3 is yes - then make a plan and do it! 

Refocus your attention

If the answer to all 3 is no - then switch your attention to something else where you can practise being mindful– perhaps whatever you are currently doing or focusing on the breath.

Also see NHS guidance for tackling your worries, and explore our range of stress-relief articles.


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