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Adding creativity into your day

Having a lack of fresh thinking and new ideas can lead to feeling demotivated, especially at work. But, do not fear, these tips will help inspire you…

Discovering your time of day

Discover your most creative and productive time of the day and make it a scheduled daily appointment with yourself. Is it in the morning after breakfast, might it be in the afternoon when you’ve got into the swing of it? Figure it out and prioritise your day around when works best for you.

Broaden perspectives

Keep open-minded at all times, after all, creativity is about gaining a broad set of perspectives from diverse areas and combining the new knowledge in unique ways.

Seek freedom in your work

Feeling trapped and under-appreciated can be tough, and certainly, decrease motivation and creativity. Think about your role, does it allow you freedom and space to be an individual? If not, it might be time to rethink what you want from your career - especially in these times of great change.

Learn, learn and learn a bit more

Reading, watching videos and talking to people gives you a much bigger insight than you might have previously had. Be an eternal student, find the people you consider to be experts in your field, talk to them, study them and listen to what they have to say.

Make creativity a priority

Whether you like to start your day with a healthy breakfast, or perhaps some meditation - you need to prioritise what it is that makes you feel ready for the day, encouraging creativity. Scheduling time outside, or even away from your workplace can alter the way you think, giving you an opportunity to step away from work and letting your mind explore other areas of your day-to-day.

Know your audience

No matter what industry you work in, knowing your audience is key. Whatever feedback you receive feed that back into your work, give the people their voice back - this can be a hugely creative step forward. It also allows you to feel empowered knowing that the work you are doing will land positively because it’s what your audience is asking for.